Digital Flyer


During this study I was part of a design iterations team, that focused on evaluating the website and conducting user studies. After the research, I gathered the raw data and synthesized it to customize my recommendation for DigitalFlyers using their goals and my user feedback.
Huda, Debbie, Eh Khu, Javier, Hammad

Cognitive Walkthrough
contextual inquiry
user interview
affinity diagramming
interactive wire-framing

Google sheet
google docs

Project overview

DigitalFlyers’ website displays flyers based on different categories that attract customers' needs.
The owner of Digitalflyer reached out to UX designers to research their digital advertising portal, assess visual accessibility concerns, and identify the pain points that business owners go through when adding a flyer. Events goers reportedly love using the website but they would appreciate it if the flyers were organized in chronological order.
In addition, business partons and event promotors appreciate when they see their business promoted on the website but they wish for an easy way to access the different package deals when purchasing flyers for their event.

Congvitive walkthrough

To create meaningful, and functional improvement on the Digital Flyer website, the design team used the cognitive walkthrough method to identify the pain points on the website. Each member of the team took on a task and followed up with questions to see if the task delivered the right outcome, and if not, where it went wrong. 
Cognitive Walkthrough_ Digital Flyer - Sheet1.pdf

Contextual Inquiry

After recognizing the pain points on the website, we identified the most pressing research goals as a team and followed the method of contextual inquiry to create a protocol with realistic scenarios to ask our users and receive feedback.  .
Digital Flyers Contextual Inquiry Protocol.pdf

User Interview

- During our user interviews, We asked each user to share their thoughts and feedback out loud while going through a list of questions and scenarios.
This helped us gain insight into the events of the struggles goers face when filtering for events or businesses. Also, during the business owner interview, users seemed to have trouble finding their event flyers even though they liked the navigation aspect of the website.

 - To synthesize the data collected from our user interview, I used affinity diagramming to collect what common themes users liked about the website and found appealing and what struggles they had when browsing the website. After clustering the information collected from the interview, I found the key task I want to improve on based on the feedback of the user


Therefore, to improve the experience of the user, I started a raw sketch of how I would implement my recommendation on the website. Then I transferred my ideas into an interactive prototype to help the client visualize my feedback.
In my prototype, I wanted to demonstrate my key insights which are 
- Having a clear language that is consistent throughout the website
- Providing an easy and direct layout for the website to help the user navigate using their feedback.


Key Findings

- The website isn't using a clear language when explaining what the icons on the top navigation bar mean
- Clients and users have a mental model of where the contact info option should be which is on the top navigation bar and it is not displayed there
- There isn't a clear search bar
- The website feels cluttered with the many categories tabs that are displayed on the landing page 
Project 3 Report.pdf

Key Reccomendation

- Creating a search bar with the suggestion of what flyer to search for helps event goers to find events fast because this feature helps them to recognize rather than recall
- Also using concise language throughout the website, and during the creation of the flyer eased the process of event promotion for the business owner.
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