Climb Theater

Climb Theater is a local non-profit organization that is dedicated to using art and live theater to inspire and educate people. They use their website to advocate their mission statement and showcase their previous work and accomplishment, as well as a space to create business and collaboration with schools and donors.

GroupHuda, Denise, Mustafa, Siri, and Hammad

Heuristic analysis
Affinity Diagramming
architecture Information 
Static wireframe
Heuristic Evaluation report
usability test script
Raw data
Finding Report

Google docs
The Problem:
Used Heuristic analysis to evaluate Climb theater website
Created a usability test script to gather information and feedback
Participants found the website engaging and eye-appealing
Lack of navigation tools and drop-down section 
The mission statement is not clear on the main page
Some of the language used wasn’t clear for all users

The solution:

New top navigation bar dedicated to climb’s Mission statement “About us”
Adding navigation dropdown section for Previous work
Adding carousel control on the images on the hero section
Adding more information about Climb’s mission on the main page
User Goals:

Gain insight into who climb theater is and who they serve
View case studies and previous work done by the organization
Reach out to climb theater for resources and events 
Contribute and collaborate with the organization
Organization goals:

Inspire people of all ages to help better their communities through art and live theater
Shed lights on complex social topics such as accountability, resiliency, empathy, advocacy, and self-control using plays, classes, and workshop
Collaborate with artists, and partners to reach a larger audience and have active influence in the community.
Website goals:

To Showcase examples of their previous work with digital storytelling tools 
To Clear Communication display of Climb theater’s mission statement and their values
To reach a larger audience to engage with a variety of users and communities.


Determine if the user is able to find and understand the story behind climb and their values
Find out how can the user access and view previous work done by climb theater
Learn how would the user approach climb and contact them for further resources or collaboration

Heuristic Anaylsis

In order to deliver an effective recommendation for the climb theater website, I used the method of Heuristic analysis. The method follows a list of criteria by the Nielsen Norman group to locate the pain points of the website. I went over the visibility of certain icons that were used on the website, the language written on the page, as well as the website current design. Based on my evaluation, I created key tasks that users can focus on during the usability test.

Usability test

5 Participants in total:
1 student coach/ counselor
2 UX designers and a researcher 
2 middle school teachers
Testing Approach was 30 mins per participant to go through a scenario 


The used Heuristic analysis to evaluate Climb theater website
Created a usability script to gather information and feedback
Participants found the website engaging and eye-appealing
Lack of navigation tools and drop-down section 
The mission statement is not clear on the main page
Some of the language used wasn’t clear for all users

Key Findings

- I used Heuristic analysis to evaluate Climb theater website
- I Created a usability script to gather information and feedback
-Participants found the website engaging and eye-appealing
Lack of navigation tools and drop-down section 
The mission statement is not clear on the main page
Some of the language used wasn’t clear for all users
Research report

Key Reccomendation

New top navigation bar dedicated to climb’s Mission statement “About us”
Adding navigation dropdown section for Previous work
Adding carousel control on the images on the hero section
Adding more information about Climb’s mission on the main page